Share the Tools Helps our Community

Did y'all know a percentage of all your tool library, class, open workshop hours, and gift bucks purchases go to helping folks and orgs afford tools?

A chunk of our total revenue, your Gold Memberships, and your donations hangout at a big pool party called the Share the Tools Fund which gets distributed via financial assistance. We have a rolling fundraiser through the 2025 that you can donate to now.

Thanks for helping the community!

Member Project! Engagement Ring Box

Check out this project by DK! “Made an engagement ring box for my (now) fiancée after taking the Woodturning III: Boxes class. I used maple, red oak, silver maple; all woods that are local to where we’re from.”

Be like DK! Take Woodturning Classes with @studiocsh, and then use our lathes during Open Workshop Hours under the guidance of your woodturning instructor to make your own project.

Want to make your project famous and get $5 whole DTL bucks? Go to and submit your project!

Hiring! Sewing Machine Basics Instructor

HIRING: SEWING INSTRUCTOr for our Sewing Machine Basics Classes

Deadline to Apply: March 24th, 2025

Job Summary: We're seeking a skilled and passionate sewing instructor to teach our Sewing Machine Basics Class and potentially other sewing classes. This position offers good pay, flexible scheduling, and opportunities for growth. If you're enthusiastic about sharing your expertise, we'd love to hear from you! 

Position Starts: Onboarding and class scheduling starts ASAP. First class that you would ideally teach is in May. 

*Do you already have enough job? Tell your friends!📣

Spring Project? We've Got The Tools!

The time for spring projects is nigh! No matter if you need a mower to tame that unruly lawn, a nailer to build your Pinterest pergola, or a humble handsaw to cut your sunny backyard melon - we’ve got the tools!

Here's a quick crash course on how an annual Tool Library Membership works:

  1. You give us $150 (More than you can afford? We have financial assistance).

  2. We give you up to 10 of our 6,000+ tools to borrow for a week at a time.

  3. You bring them back so they aren't taking up space in your garage.

Easy as that! Repeat for a whole year.

*Already have a membership? Consider getting somebody cute a Gift Membership. You’ll be giving the gift of tools while supporting a cool non-profit at the same time.

Class Spotlight! Step Stools & Plant Stands w/ Sineah

Class Spotlight! Step Stools & Plant Stands w/ Sineah of @diyworkshopcollective. Next class is Friday, March 21st at 11am.

Dying for a place to sit when you put on your boots? Pining to fill that sunny corner and elevate those succulents? Just too short to reach those mason jars? Join Sineah from Denver DIY Workshop to build your own stool, plant stand, or side table! Whatever you want to call it, add a cute functional touch to your home. All skill levels are welcome from total beginner to advanced.

About Your Teacher: Sineah has taught stool/ plant stand, bookshelf, leaning shelf, cutting board workshops and more. Sineah will encourage you to creatively problem solve and by the end of class, will send you home with a project intended to impress your friends and yourself. Check out Sineah’s work at on Instagram @diyworkshopcollective

Holy Moly, We're Turning 10 YEARS OLD! First Friday Celebration

Can you believe it?? The Denver Tool Library is turning 10 YEARS OLD on April 4th, 2025. This date conveniently is also First Friday on the Santa Fe Art Walk - so we’re having a party!

Stop by the shop between 5pm - 9pm while perusing the Santa Fe Art District galleries. We'll have a Teacher Craft Fair, music, activities, and tasty libations from New Belgium (as well as some N/A options). 

All new and old faces are welcome to join, and if you’re a member of the tool library - you get a free drink! 

We hope to see you there!

Class Spotlight! Knowing Your Car w/ Care

Class Spotlight! Knowing Your Car Automotive Basics w/ Care. Next class is Wednesday, March 5th at 1pm.

We spend on average 17,600 minutes in our cars per year! Why not learn about how it gets you from point A to point B? In this class you will learn the basics of automotive function and how to care for your own vehicle in a mixed lecture and practical style class so get ready to see what’s under the hood.

About Your Teacher: Originally from Brazil, Care Leite moved to Colorado in 2019 and has been working in the automotive industry for the past 3 years. He was recently a repair technician for Good Judy Garage, an LGBTQ+-owned auto repair shop, and has worked in other shops around Colorado. They have a passion for fixing cars and sharing their knowledge with others.

Share the Tools Helps!

Did y'all know a percentage of all your tool library, class, open workshop hours, and gift bucks purchases go to helping folks and orgs afford tools?

A chunk of our total revenue, your Gold Memberships, and your donations hangout at a big pool party called the Share the Tools Fund which gets distributed via financial assistance. We have a rolling fundraiser through the 2025 that you can donate to now.

Thanks for helping the community!