diy gifts

Stop Buying Gifts, Make Them Instead!

Use our Community Workshop or Tool Library to start making gifts now and have them ready for the holidays!

You spend your money on some junk online because you have to buy a gift but really they don’t want it so it ends up taking space in their garage until they finally find a reason to use it but the battery is already dead because it got cold and of course you can’t replace the battery so then they need to spend the time to figure out how to recycle electronics or feel guilty about throwing it in the landfill. Meanwhile (insert giant retailer here) is making enough money per day to buy a small country full of hungry people who will remain generally hungry during a holiday based on (insert giant religion here) which is all about feeding/clothing/healing those in need.

This is all to say - made gifts take a while to make so we have to break the rules and bother you before Halloween to tell you to use the Community Workshop to build those you love nice quality gifts! You know a made gift is a meaningful gift so buy your hours punch card today to save a few bucks while you build! Rather build something at home? Then sign up for a membership and take our tools home and make something. Hell buy them a gift membership too! It’s almost the holidays for Christ’s sake! Spend your money on us and not them!