
Sewing Machine Basics: BIPOC & Immunocompromised Editions!

Our new teacher Jackie has listed two of her new Sewing Machine Basics classes to be suited especially for BIPOC and Immunocompromised people! BTW - If you have a sewing machine kicking around that you never use - PLEASE DONATE IT! You can drop it off during open hours. THANKS!

Sewing Machine Basics Class - KN95 MASK PROVIDED & REQUIRED // 12.5.22

Why is this class 'Mask & Vaccination Required'?

People who are immunocompromised have a reduced ability to fight infections and other diseases. Having a weakened immune system requires consistent attention and care to remain healthy, especially in public spaces. We want to provide a safe(r) place for our immunocompromised community to gather and create! To attend this class you must wear a mask for the entirety of the course and provide a photo of your COVID-19 vaccinations. For more resources visit:

Sewing Machine Basics Class - BIPOC ONLY // 12.14.22

Why is this class 'BIPOC Only'?

Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) need spaces without White people. In mixed groups, BIPOC people are often put in the position of teaching White people and so do much more of the emotional labor. White people may benefit and learn from the discussions but BIPOC folks often leave exhausted. Historical racial trauma can be triggered more easily in a mixed group and our intention is to create a safe(r) space to create art, connection, and joy. To attend this class you must be a Black, Indigenous, or Person of Color. Visit these links for more resources on Affinity Groups - Why Do Them, White Supremecy Culture/Norms, and the Racial Equity Movement in Denver.

New Woodworking Teacher: Nathan Woolf!

We’re excited to announce one of our new woodworking teacher - Nathan Woolf! Nathan’s first class with us is going to be Cutting Boards on 11/13, but keep an eye out for a slew of other classes he’ll be teaching in the future. BTW, if you ever want to stay up to date with those new classes and all of our other new classes, join our Classes Newsletter

A bit about Nathan! Though new to life in Colorado, he has worked as a carpenter and woodworker for over 12 years, working on projects all over the country ranging from building houses, to finished bar and restaurant spaces, to custom coffeeshops, as well as an array of household goods and furniture pieces. Whether large or small scale woodworking is all related and he has a vested interest in finding those cool similarities in each application. You can check out his work on Instagram @nathanwoolf or on his website