New! Women & LGBTQ+ Shop Safety Certification

The Denver Tool Library now offers women & LGBTQ+ versions of our foundational woodworking classes and more!

Our newest addition to our Woman & LGBTQ+ classes is Ladies & Gentlethems: Shop Safety Certification. This class will certify folks to bring in your own project to work on during Ladies & Gentlethems: Open Workshop Sessions or our Open Workshop Hours.

Space for women & LGBTQ+ folks

The DTL provides classes for women and LGBTQ+ individuals in effort to create a welcoming environment that acknowledges the unique challenges they face in trades and maker spaces. This initiative aims to cultivate a community where individuals can work alongside others who may share similar experiences and perspectives in a comfortable atmosphere. While we hope for a future where all our spaces naturally feel inclusive to all, we’re excited to provide this meaningful step toward that goal right now.