Brand New Class! Mixed Media Mosaics

Brand New Class! Mixed Media Mosaics with our Tool Librarian Jessie. The first classes will be on 6/26 and 7/24.

Let's break things! In this class we will explore different kinds of materials that can be used to make mosaics from glass to tiles and more. We will practice techniques in cutting and breaking, and the occasional smashing of materials. Think of this as a tiny rage room where we will let decorative scraps fly (with the proper eye protection, of course).

Everyone will get to create their own mosaic tile. We will explore design, adhesive materials, grouting, material sourcing and resources. Students will leave with the confidence to turn surfaces into colorful works of art. In teaching, Jessie strives for a space where everyone can engage in their own creative process while learning new mediums and techniques.

Jessie is the Tool Library Coordinator at a beloved local tool library. She is also a mixed-media artist working with a wide range of materials and techniques. Current and past work include printmaking, sculpture, digital and video art. Recent work is composed of linocut prints that she turns into short stop motion films. An interest in mosaics was born after upon learning stained glass she found herself with piles of scrap to experiment with. This of course, led to more projects. Check out her work at or on Instagram