Brand New Class! Magnetic Bottle Openers Woodworking

Brand New Class! Magnetic Bottle Openers Woodworking with our Shop Safety & Tools 101 instructor Ian Saunders. The first classes are 7/14 and 8/6.

Learn how to make a custom magnetic bottle opener from a medley of assorted hardwoods. Hang it on your refrigerator or wall. Amaze your friends as the bottle caps catch on the hidden magnet!

This woodworking class is perfect for the beginner or experienced student wanting to learn the techniques and tools needed in order to make a custom bottle opener. This workshop will also teach you how to operate all the necessary machinery such as a band saw, chop saw, router, drill press, and planer. We will cover the process of gluing and clamping your pieces to create custom blanks, drilling in a magnet, routing the edges, sanding the piece, and finally applying an oil.

Have fun, learn a new skill (or 3!). Meets new friends and take home a finished product. Care instructions, woodshop safety tutorials, DTL enthusiasm and encouragement are provided. Best of all - a bottled refreshment will be provided at the end of class, opened by your new bottle opener!