We Gave Away $7,000+ Worth Of Memberships in 2022

We did the math and we gave away $7,240 of memberships to individuals and groups in 2022! Thanks to DHS and individual contributions from y’all, we were able to give free Tool Library Memberships to all 45 groups and people who applied in 2022.

We are planning on getting these numbers much higher in 2023! If you’d like to contribute to our Financial Assistance Fund, give our Donate page a visit. If you’re interested in a free or discounted membership for you or your group, you can apply via our updated Tool Library Financial Assistance page.

Check out some quotes from people who received free memberships…

“After much struggle to get here I have finally bought a house! There are some home improvement things I’d like to work on and my yards are blank slates so need to work on those too! I like building things, I’m pretty handy for a single mom, but being such I don’t have much money to spend on tools. I’m also very interested in learning some new skills and having my son do so as well!”

“My spouse and I are both queer and he is trans. We have social work/therapy backgrounds abcs are trying to save money and pay off debt. We really want to preserve the things we have and some of those things need repairs! Having access to the tool library would help us save , reduce waste, and learn new skills in the meantime. We don’t usually feel comfortable going to big box tool stores so having a place we could go where there might Be other people like us would be a relief.”

“We recently bought a a condo that needed A LOT of work done so the tool library has been a dream for helping cut costs on renovations and DIY projects, allowing me to actually make it start to feel like a home. Unfortunately, my job let go of 500 staff two months ago, so I'm unable to afford a renewal this year as I'm currently unemployed.”

“As a disenfranchised elderly person, I could greatly use the tools offered on my house as it needs work done to it.”

“A membership would give me the tools (literally) that I need to finally finish 3 types of projects that I've been putting off for far too long: (1) projects to fix issues that are potentially harmful to my physical health - like repairing the holes that mice have been getting inside through, something I'm mostly capable of doing myself (if I had the tools), but that a professional quoted me almost $4,000 for, (2) projects that will save me money in the long run - like repairing cracks in my walls and sealing windows that I can't reach without a ladder, to make my home more energy efficient, and (3) projects that improve my mental health - like putting up shelves/clothing rods in my closet (which fell almost 2 years ago).”

“Having this opportunity would allow me to finally make my dream a reality and give me something to look forward to doing moving forward.”