Brand New Class! Fermentation: Essentials & Sauerkraut

Brand New Class! Fermentation: Essentials & Sauerkraut w/ Alex of Permaculture. The first class is May 20th at 5:30pm.

In our new Fermentation class, Alex will provide students with a deeper understanding of the history and benefits of fermentation and the slow food movement. Most excitingly, each student will walk away with their very own sauerkraut to take home and enjoy in as little as 24 hours! The processes you will learn in this class can also be applied to ferments such as kimchi, kombucha, cottage cheese, and kefir. Beginners are welcome.

About Your Instructor Alex Nees: I have worked in food production as a farmer and gardener for 7 years, and have found immense pleasure in working with my hands and exploring ways in which I can make my favorite recipes at home. I joined forces with two friends of mine three years ago to start "Pickle People" - a cottage kitchen operation allowing us to package and sell our very own ferments at various markets around town. I believe in the power of slow food, and it's benefits on the health of our bodies as well as the health of our communities!