Brand New Class! Permaculture I: Fundamentals & Design

We’re excited to announce we finally have a permaculture class, and it will be taught by Alex Nees! The first class will be Friday, March 8th 5:30pm - 8pm and a second date is already schedule for Monday, March 25th 5:30pm - 8pm.

Permaculture is a design system for yards and gardens that mimics and celebrates nature’s patterns and processes. In this introductory class, we will cover the fundamentals of permaculture, go over how it minimizes resources to benefit you and your environment, and draw up a practical custom plan for your specific yard, plot, or garden!

This workshop will begin by exploring the history of permaculture in the West, as well as how it has been used by cultures across the world. You will learn it’s techniques and principles, including how permaculture can help you create whole-system organic solutions that minimize waste and non-renewable resources, and how you can turn your landscape into a productive and low-maintenance oasis. We will explore basic design principles and simple concepts to save you time, money, and valuable resources in your home. Once we have obtained knowledge of the basics, we will work together to create maps and designs for you to take back to your landscape and begin bringing your regenerative system to life! Students will have the opportunity to ask general questions as well as specific questions regarding their plot.

By the end of this class you will take home the skills of hands-on building, designs for a number of basic DIY fixes for you to take home, and one of the most important aspects of permaculture: community building and social capital. Come join us and let’s work together to return to our role as reciprocal members of this beautiful ecosystem!

About your Teacher Alex Nees:

Hi there! I grew up on a 250-acre cattle ranch that my family managed in western Colorado, where I developed a deep connection with land, animals, and gardening. I have worked as an urban gardener, rooftop farmer, and hydroponic farmer in cities like New York City and Denver, CO, and studied Permaculture Design and Sustainable Food and Farming at UMASS-Amherst. Through these experiences, I have developed a deep sense of purpose in utilizing these Permaculture practices to encourage sustainable systems across the world, that not only prevent but reverse the effects of the climate crisis we are in now. I feel called to share these practices as resources to as many as I can, to open our hearts and bring us closer to one another.. finding a sense of belonging in this beautiful and miraculous ecosystem we are a part of!