Donate a Membership

Donate to the Denver Tool Library AND give a Free Membership!

With Denver housing prices soaring and inflation making everyone's lives more expensive, there are more and more people struggling to make ends meet. Some people rely on our memberships because they can't afford to buy their own tools (let alone hire contractors), and some fantastic local nonprofit organizations use our tools to build gardens, playgrounds, shelters for the homeless, etc. We want them all to have equitable access to tools, whether there's room in their budgets or not!

You can help us further our mission to make tools accessible to all by making a donation today. Your donation will buy a membership for an individual in need or for an organization making a meaningful positive impact in Denver.

Making a contribution to the Denver Tool Library has a metro-wide ripple effect. You're not just helping us get better/nicer/cooler/more tools for you, you're supporting equity and local social projects as well!

  • For a $100 donation you will give a membership to someone who has applied to and has been accepted to our Pro Bono Membership Program, providing no-cost tool access to folks whose income, race, gender, orientation or ability has ever seemed like a barrier to tool access.

  • For a $250 donation you will give a membership to another nonprofit or organization working toward social, environmental, and economic justice through our Rad Orgs Program.

  • Donations of any amount are also very welcome and valuable to the community! Take a look at the drop down menu to see examples of the impact your contribution will have.