Block Printing on Paper: Holiday Edition! // 11.20.22

No dallying this year! Cross “cards for fam” off your list early because our one time special holiday block printing class is on 11.20.22. Make beautiful handmade cards for everyone you love and learn a 4,000 year old printmaking technique while you’re at it. Hallmark cards are lame and everyone knows it. Prove your love to your dad by making something instead! Check out Lucy’s work: @lholtsnider

Join Denver based printmaker Lucy Holtsnider to for a workshop to block print holiday cards! Over the five hours class we’ll practice drawing, carving, and printing a two-color reductive linoleum print by hand. No experience is required, and we’ll use non-toxic materials and a set of simple tools to make prints that are easy to recreate at home without a press. Drawings can be done freehand, or traced directly from a book or photograph. Participants should bring a sack lunch, close toed shoes, and 4 x 6” or smaller photo to make a drawing from.

Lucy Holtsnider is a printmaker and book designer based in Lakewood. In her fine art practice, she prints on a Vandercook SP-15 letterpress out of Zarapes Studios in Denver. As a designer, she designs book covers for self-published authors. Lucy currently teaches at Colorado College, and has taught courses at Yeshiva University, Marist College, and the University of California at Santa Barbara. Instagram: @lholtsnider