Thanks Colorado Village Collaborative!

Colorado Village Collaborative @coloradovillagecollaborative borrowed some of our tools to build a community garden for their tiny home village Beloved Community Village. “This garden already provides a calm, healing space for our #tinyhomevillage residents & Elryia-Swansea neighbors but come next spring and summer, it'll burst with veggies, herbs & flowers.”

What is the Beloved Community Village? The community named Beloved Community Village consists of 24 temporary “tiny homes,” one staff office building and a community space with three bathrooms and a shared kitchen. The tiny homes are about 100 square feet each and contain electricity, heaters, fans and outlets but no water or sewer connections. Those connections are made in the common house, which helps to keep the project costs down and to build community among residents. The village is a temporary residential environment that serves as an alternative sheltering solution intended to create additional access points into the housing continuum for our neighbors who are experiencing homelessness. The village first launched in July 2017 and during the past three years has served 42 unique people, 16 of whom have graduated from the village into stable housing.

Check out @coloradovillagecollaborative or to see how you can get involved!

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